We invite you to join our 200 and 300 Hours Yoga Alliance Registered Teacher Training Program at Shanti Yoga Shala.
- understanding each asana (postures) and it’s purpose
- asana benefits and contradictions
- the art of sequencing – how to sequence a class
- body alignment
- how to instruct and set up classes
- your teaching voice / projection
- hands on adjustments
- practice teach
- protecting your body when teaching and adjusting your students
- modifications of asanas for different body types
- assessing injuries
- names of yoga poses in Sanskrit and in English
- personal tools for transformation
- choosing positive thought patters
- attitudes
- karma
- lines of energy
- the chakras
- yoga as a energetic cleansing practice
- anatomy and how it affects each posture in the context of our yoga practice
- yoga as a life long practice
- the body for longevity
- nutrition to enhance our daily lives and yoga
- how yoga can impact your life in a daily manner
- history of yoga
- yoga philosophy
- yogic life style
- meditation
- pranayama (breath)
- yogic texts such as Yoga Sutras of Patanjali and Upanishads
- the power of chants
- student / teacher relationship
- the important of Sangha (community) and Seva (giving back to the world we live in)
- the business of yoga
- pre-natal

Transform Your Life.
About our 300 Hours:
In a safe and comfortable environment students will learn hands on adjustments, modifications, how to approach injuries, how to create sequences, how to instruct and set up classes, the purpose of each asana (pose), meditation, pranayama, the importance of Sangha (community), Seva (giving back to the world) and much more.
We meet over several weekends throughout the year to continue our studies of this magnificent practice in a more in depth format. Please email us at to inquire about our advanced yoga training.
Yoga teacher trainings are truly amazing and transformational.
Our Trainer
Nathalie Croix has been teaching yoga for over almost fifteen years.
Having learned yoga in her early teens Nathalie took her first trip to India to study yoga at 20 years old, after having met one of her main teachers Sri K. Pattabhi Jois in the US during one of his world tours. During the next 10 years Nathalie continued to visit her teacher Sri K Pattabhi Jois in India as well as around the world to deepen her studies and understanding of the practice of yoga. She studied with Jois until the very last year he taught prior to his passing. Since than Nathalie had returned to the Ashtanga Yoga Research Institute in Mysore to study with his grandson Sharath Jois. In the West Nathalie has developed a steady practice with her now main teacher Annie Carpenter, who is one of the countries leading teachers today. Nathalie has an Undergrad in Dance Kinisiology. She attended College in the US with a scholarship in dance, after completing professional dance school, Studio Harmonique, in Paris, France.
She is a registered yoga teacher at the highest level E-RYTs 500 and is also a YACEPs certified trainer for continuing education in the Yoga Alliance International Registry.
Her classes are rooted in traditional yoga and yet students are encouraged to practice at their own pace with the understanding that the practice is always changing in the belief in adapting the asana to the individual rather than the individual to the asana.
Nathalie has a daily meditation and yoga practice.
She believes teaching yoga is a blessing and that yoga is transformational – it gives us the possibility of realizing our full potential while becoming the highest version of ourselves.
Yoga gives us the possibility of finding true health and happiness.
Through the practice of yoga we learn to love ourselves and from there we cannot help but love others and together up-raise the current vibration of our Planet and create a new Earth, hence a better world.
Fall 2016
Training meets several weekends.
Saturday & Sundays day time.
* For more information on our teacher training please email
Or call and leave a message at
* Students interested in our training will be asked to schedule a phone call and / or meet for an interview to determine if the training is a good match.
* Training is for all levels, you do not need to have an advanced physical practice to join the training
* This is will be a great opportunity to deepen your yoga practice and lean more
* Space is limited
Reserve your spot
SmartFLOW Yoga Teacher Training
This training is for anyone who wants to take their practice to a new level: teachers, future teachers, and lovers of yoga.
This is an amazing opportunity for students who want to deepen their yoga practice and take their yoga to a whole new level or for those who want to teach yoga.
Please join us in New Orleans for a 200 hours Teacher Training from August 2013 to January 2014, with Tiffany Russo and Nathalie Croix. Supervised by Annie Carpenter.
Yoga Alliance Registered 200 Hours Training.
This is a rare and amazing opportunity for the first time SmartFLOW will be coming to New Orleans.
Space is limited.
Register for this Training HERE
To inquire more email bellow is a sample of the training.
Annie is based in Los Angeles and known to be the teacher of teachers. Take a look at Annie’s website here.
Shanti Yoga Shala founder and owner, Nathalie Croix, has assisted Annie Carpenter’s Teacher Trainings in California in past years.
Please join them in this life changing, transformational experience.
“As the rivers flowing east and west merge in the sea and become one with it, forgetting they were ever separate rivers, so do all creatures lose their separateness when they merge at last into pure being.” -Chandogya Upanishad
SmartFLOW yoga celebrates the innate intelligence of juicy, flowing movement! This 200 hour Teacher Training offers you a strong foundation, yet remains in-depth with its emphasis on methodology not rote learning.
You will learn an evolved system of inquiry, awakening your practice and setting the stage for inspired and creative teaching. Asana, pranayama and meditation are our tools for transformation, rooted in the great traditions of yoga. A functional approach to anatomy informs your understanding of the essential movement principles; these principles are the ground for intelligent instructions and inventive sequencing. Movement principles are embedded in philosophical insight that drives the sequencing of the practice from within.
First Section: ABHYASA – The Path of the Sadhana—Do your practice!
This first section establishes you in the roots and rituals of Yoga. Abhyasa means practice, or the effort towards aligning and re-aligning one’s attention to the present moment. We will employ the yogic practices of asana, pranayama (breathwork), chanting, and various methods of meditation as our elemental practice. You will gain a profound understanding of the foundational asanas as alignment tools for safe physical practice, and for yoking the mind to this moment. Asanas are presented as elemental, sustaining, deepening and as a means to return to center to illuminate the path of creative sequencing. In addition we will consider various ethical observances to inform and sustain our choices on our mats, with our students, and in daily life.
ABHYASA includes:
*asana practice engaging body, mind and spirit
*the deconstruction of asana into primary movement principles for clarity of alignment and sequencing
*Functional Anatomy and Physiology: presented in short segments to support the movement and breath principles with relevance and meaning.
*movement inquiries for evolving a keen and subtle awareness of Proprioception that you can awaken in your students
*History and Philosophical concepts of classical Yoga
*essential Pranayama practices to refine attention and shift vital energy
*Dharana: multiple paths to focus your mind for contemplation
*Basic Sanskrit pronunciation for key concepts
*Yama and Niyama: learning and living the yogic ethical observances, on and of the mat
Second Section: VAIRAGYA – The Path of Radical Acceptance—All is coming!
Vairagya is the ability to accept everything that arises with evenness and equanimity. It is the basis for the cultivation of community and the essence of every teacher who wishes to inspire her students. Vairagya reveals and celebrates the present moment in all its unpredictabilty and originality. As we delve deeper into the practices, we encounter everything on the spiritual path: strength and flexibility as well as weakness and pain; we find the greatest joy as well as fear and doubt. As spiritual aspirants and guides we gather and balance our energies and intentions to become the light embodied, beacons on this path.
VAIRAGYA includes:
* Advanced Asana: bringing multiple movement principles together in a playful, balanced way
*Creative sequencing that encourages you to find your voice and vary your focus and themes
*pranayama, guided meditation and philosophical themes as integral, inseparable elements of the practice
*yoga for longevity: learn modifications for injury prevention and rehabilitation
*Cultivating clear languaging with its basis in structural awareness and thematic development
*Subtle Body Anatomy principles and Chakra balancing
*Hands-on adjustments that educate your students
*Teacher student relationships: inspire without enmeshing
*cultivating your life-long home practice: tools for deepening awareness and developing source material for teaching
200 RYT – Yoga Alliance Certification
About Annie Carpenter:
Known as a “teachers’ teacher,” Annie teaches all levels of asana classes, mentors young teachers, leads workshops and retreats as well as Teacher Trainings. Annie has a playful spirit and encourages a balance between working hard, and a light, joyful exploration into one’s own practice, into the awareness of one’s true nature.
“Although our culture tends to shrink yoga to mean only the physical, asana element I believe that yoga truly is a shamanic path, capable of leading us through transformation on all levels. Yoga reminds us what is real, and thus who we are — the light radiating from within.”
For more on Annie Carpenter click here.
Space in this training is limited.
Hope you can join!
Contact us
Register for this Training HERE
* Students coming from out of town –
We can provide you a list of local hotels, hostels and small fully equipped condos.
Please contact for more info on lodging.
We look forward to meeting you!